England is pretty. Sort of. But not all parts of it. Kind of creeps upon you, those other parts. If you see them that is.

© Peter Lindberg 2010
England is pretty. Sort of. But not all parts of it. Kind of creeps upon you, those other parts. If you see them that is.
© Peter Lindberg 2010
The little details in life that pass you by. Those that form the world we live in. Isolated they tend to sometimes become weird, sad or amusing. People look but don’t see. They see but don’t notice. Fortunately you people have me to see and notice for you. Otherwise it would not exist… Photography make things, details and events immortal. And we all want to be immortal, don’t we? The photographer, the immortifier.
De små detaljerna i livet som passerar förbi. De som bildar den värld vi lever i. Isolerade tenderar att ibland bli konstiga, dystra eller underhållande. Folk tittar men inte ser. De ser men lägger inte märke till. Lyckligtvis har ni mig som ser och lägger märke till åt er. Annars skulle det inte finnas … Fotografi gör saker, detaljer och händelser odödliga. Och vi alla vill vara odödlig, eller hur? Fotografen, odödliggöraren.
© Peter Lindberg 2010