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Photoshoot – Necklaces by Tanja Malo!

Swedish jewellery-designer Tanjo Malo needed some new images of her pieces and since she is such a doll I of course helped her out. 🙂 Here you go, click click away!

Tanja Malo makes jewellry in her own special fashion. Quirky and chique at the same time. Often recycled, unusual materials, all different. If you own something by Tanja, it’s one off!

© Peter Lindberg 2012

The World In My Eyes...

The dark hours…

Christmas-time is all about lucky lucky joy joy. But I don’t fell all that cheery. Darkness and stress. I rather take pictures of places like this than do x-mas shopping. Enjoy. Clickable image.

Cosy christmas lights...

© Peter Lindberg 2011

The World In My Eyes...

Greenpoint, Brooklyn. The sinful year of 1997

The corner of Manhattan Ave and Norman. The Manhattan 3-Decker Restaurant. Been there forever, and still is. Seen through the barber-shop window in “Donnie Brasco”. 4×5″ slide.


The Manhattan 3-Decker Restaurant, Greenpoint, Brooklyn

© Peter Lindberg 1997


Model X

A headshot I did a bunch of years back
 1994-95 something. Enjoy. 😉

Model X Can't remember her name.

© Peter Lindberg 1995


PS. If you, the model in this picture, recognizes yourself; please contact me!

Old images

The land out west…

While I was studying in New York, a friend of a friend gave me a box of 6×6 slides. Slides taken by her late husband. She didn’t know what to do with them. There were about 200 slides. I picked the ones that were technically OK and scanned them. The pictures were from all over the world since the husband had been in the air force (I think). Most were Kodachrome, some Ektachrome. This one I felt was better in B&W. So Rick, if you see this; let your friend know I have them if she wants them!


Crumbling abandoned house somewhere out west...

© Peter Lindberg – stock

The World In My Eyes...

Back In The Day… New York!

This was back in the day when I lived at Lasalle Street, New York City. The image is from approx. October 1996. Back in those days we used film and had to develop the images and then print them in the darkroom! Imagine that, kids! 😉 And 
 Oh yeah! Clickable image!


Pigeons on the corner of Lasalle and Broadway, fall 1996

©Peter Lindberg 1996