Night Photography, Again.
I bet you have guessed it by now; I love night photography! A bit more mysterious. Yep.

This image has been posted here before. But now is the season of the year when it gets really, really dark. At least up here in The North. For me this time of year yields more interesting photography. And a special challenge: what to photograph when there is very little light.
After a day of hefty rains the next day is sunny and warm, making the sand dry up with a uniform crust on the top it. Another day on the beach of Roseto degli Abruzzi
#abruzzo #italy #italia #rosetodegliabruzzo #rosetodegliabruzzi #beach #sand @lifeinabruzzo
Or what else could we say? Did a giant walk here? Looks like a very long step, from someone with very long legs. Just stepped out of his slippers. Or slipped out? More likely the slipped away in the tide though. And were washed ashore again. Now they are trash.
#roseto, #peterlindberg, #beach, #slippers, #trash, #italia, #photography
A little taste of the different exhibitors/competitors booths. Enjoy!
© Peter Lindberg 2012
Mera Fresh Fish. En lite mer närgången vinkel på en del av me medverkandes plagg. Hanns inte med att läggas upp igår. Men här är det! Klicka på gott folk!
More Fresh Fish. Close-up angles of some of the participants sets. Wasn’t time to upload this last night before The Sandman showed up. Click away, dudes and dudesses!
© Peter Lindberg 2012
Photographer Johan Palmborg had the opening of his show at gallery Eugén & William called “Flowers & more” this past Saturday. If in Göteborg, check it out.Chances are you might find something you like!
Christmas-time is all about lucky lucky joy joy. But I don’t fell all that cheery. Darkness and stress. I rather take pictures of places like this than do x-mas shopping. Enjoy. Clickable image.
© Peter Lindberg 2011
A headshot I did a bunch of years back… 1994-95 something. Enjoy. 😉
© Peter Lindberg 1995
PS. If you, the model in this picture, recognizes yourself; please contact me!