Fresh Fish – Were Western Sweden’s best upcoming designers take off? The average level of the contestants work at Fresh Fish this year was quite high. It seems to improve year over year. That should also mean the design-schools in Scandinavia get better and better! And that should be good news for anyone who loves fashion; there can never be too many good designers in my opinion. So enjoy these catwalk images, because now there will be another year before you see any such from Fresh Fish again! 🙂
Here are the catwalk-images from the last show before the jury voted on who to win this years Fresh Fish in each category. It’s the first part showing hats, accessories and gems. Enjoy and wathc out for the second part! Buttons for sharing at the bottom of the page. Click away!
At this years Fresh Fish fashion & design-fair Denmark was represented by three designers from Copenhagens “Københavns Mode- og Designskole”, the number one design-school for fashion and garment. Tora Kristine Valland Sekse, Yanne Møller Wilson och Katrine Behrens showed their collections. I think the average standard of their work was high. Clearly the Danish sent their best! Enjoy!
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Fresh Fish is a fashion-fair and a competition to name each years “Fresh Fish” in both the fashion-design and accessory-design categories. Winning Fresh Fish gives you a quite a bit of leverage when marketing your stuff or looking for a design-job.
Sandra Lundblad & Carolina Baldal vann inom accessoarer och Akharadet Ekchanok vann inom klädsegmentet. I år var kvaliteten högre och konkurrensen större och det var svårt att utse en vinnare i förväg. Jag gick bet! Grattis till vinnarna! Bilder senare ikväll!
Sandra Lundblad & Carolina Baldal won the accessory class, Akharadet Ekchanok won in the apparel segment. This year the quality was higher and the competition harder and it was difficult to determine the winner in advance. I failed!! Congratulations to the winners! Pictures later tonight!
Mera Fresh Fish. En lite mer närgången vinkel på en del av me medverkandes plagg. Hanns inte med att läggas upp igår. Men här är det! Klicka på gott folk!
More Fresh Fish. Close-up angles of some of the participants sets. Wasn’t time to upload this last night before The Sandman showed up. Click away, dudes and dudesses!
Åter igen var det dags för Fresh Fish, Göteborgs årliga modemässa med utställare som kommer underifrån. Och det är ju det man vill se; De stora märkena får mycket uppmärksamhet ändå! På Fresh Fish finner du de som kommer vara att räkna med om några, några kommer troligen till och med att påverka hur omvärlden ser på Svenskt mode. Vissa kanske inte lyckas men så är det här i livet. fresh Fish förbättrar hur som helst chanserna för de som vill och försöker. 🙂
Once again it is time for Fresh Fish, Göteborgs annual fashion fair with exhibitors coming from below, the underdogs. And that’s what you want to see; The big brands get much attention anyway! At Fresh Fish you will find those who will be to count on in a few years time, some will probably even form how the world looks at Swedish fashion. Some may not succeed but that is in life. Fresh Fish improves anyway chances for those who want and try their hardest. 🙂
Swedish jewellery-designer Tanjo Malo needed some new images of her pieces and since she is such a doll I of course helped her out. 🙂 Here you go, click click away!
Tanja Malo makes jewellry in her own special fashion. Quirky and chique at the same time. Often recycled, unusual materials, all different. If you own something by Tanja, it’s one off!