I will be reporting from this years Fresh Fish. Follow the shows on FashionFriend.se! Here is a pic from the show of last years winner, Anna Falk. If you want to visit the fair ypurself, info can be found on freshfish.se

© Peter Lindberg 2009
I will be reporting from this years Fresh Fish. Follow the shows on FashionFriend.se! Here is a pic from the show of last years winner, Anna Falk. If you want to visit the fair ypurself, info can be found on freshfish.se
© Peter Lindberg 2009
One of my older fashion-images. My friend Marcus on a beach in south Sweden, January 1994 or 1995. -10°C and 15m/s. COLD! The Hasselblad battery died after only 15-16 shots! Click for bigger pic!
© Peter Lindberg 1995
Another shot from the Black Badger Advanced Composites-shoot for FashionFriend.se. Dampened the colors in order to achieve the feel I was after.. pale. Models were Anette H. and Herman Engdahl. MUA Martina G.
© Peter Lindberg 2009
My number one hobby is cars and racing cars. This picture is from a track-meet with Locost Sweden, a seven-escque replicas builders club. That means people that build cars that resemble the Lotus Super Seven sportscar that even competed in Formula-1 a few rounds, with suprisingly good results even though a total underdog when it comes to horsepower. Small, light and very quick through the corners. The most fun you can have on a slate of tarmac for less money than a Ariel Atom. This particular car belongs to Morty. Click on the image to see it large.
© Peter Lindberg 2009
Picture of a newly wed couple taken at approximately 60km/h on the Älvsborgs-bridge. Click for full view.
© Peter Lindberg 2007
A midsummer night a few years ago (2006 I think) I could sleep so I took a walk.. and brought camera. This is the result. Click for full view.
© Peter Lindberg 2006
A little reminder. From Vinga, the island famous for its lighthouse. And “BAD” isn’t bad at all. It’s good, since it translates into “beach” more or less. Click for larger view!
© Peter Lindberg 2008
The abandoned road between the now demolished cement-factory in Hellekis (Hällekis) in Sweden, and the adjacent quarry about 2 km to the west. Here it crosses the railroad. Click for full view.
© Peter Lindberg 2008
Had this VW Bug in my garage for a while. A fix-up job before it being sold. A 1973 1303 LS Karmann cabriolet in very nice If I had the money I would have bought it myself and given it a few upgrades on the suspension and the engine would have been tuned for more hp. I hope it’s new owner takes good care of it! Clock the imgae to see it bigger!
© Peter Lindberg 2008
This is one of the pics from the X-mas present session of my two nieces Kim & Ida. Their mom wanted “traditional” portraits.. but they were only so & so co-operative. But it came out pretty cute. And very much them being themselves. Click image for larger view.
© Peter Lindberg 2009